Earworm of the Month: “Empty Space” by xKore (ft. Ooo)

As February the month of birthday, heart-shaped chocolates and gray wintry mix comes to a close, I wanted to drop this tune that I absolutely cannot get enough of. The track on the label’s page has gotten a paltry number of hits, and it seems the time has not yet come for this sound. However, I could not give any fewer fucks.

The track begins majestically but cuts into some choppy wobble immediately, accompanied by some Bjork-y vocals that seem to match strangely. This is one of the increasing number of post-step (yes, I know, but please, go with me here) tracks that have stopped emphasizing the dub-steppy line (that we all know and make fun of), in favor of social justice-oriented/weird physics/confusing radio broadcast vocals in addition to a host of other sounds. This is evocative of the genre putting on big boy pants and realizing that you don’t get to play concerts to 10,000 people on the EDM equivalent of the whammy bar forever. This is also VERY good for listeners. As the song proves at 1:45.

The soaring vocals, the dubby under-current and the ebbing in and out of the track scream soundtrack and the lyrics provide a lovely little double-edged sword. The concept that the human being is 99% empty space is a factual truth on the atomic scale and profoundly depressing or uplifting depending on your mood. Same with the rest of the lyrics. Which, frankly, is great. Because the music will kinda go whichever way you are too. The beat can be menacing or empowering. And this is why I am excited to see what the hell 2013 brings when it comes to the post-Skrillex universe of UK & American Dubstep producers. Shit’s gonna be fun.

Jimmy Fallon & Michelle Obama rock out Mom Dancing

Jimmy Fallon’s done some of the better musically related lols on latenight. Whether it was the Harlem Shake video, pretending to be Bob Dylan or doing the history of Rap with Justin Timberlake, it’s fun to watch. This takes the cake though. Getting the First Lady to emulate the first real viral music video (The Evolution of Dance)? Also, Michelle totally cut it up when she got on the dance floor. You can tell obviously by her hip movements, casual independent limb-control and ability to smile while shaking it. Kudos to her. I hope the “Dougie” is the next “Harlem Shake.”

Check it, and get moving 😀

EP of the Week: [R]evolution by Arkasia

I am so glad Arkasia has released something new so I can continue to gush all over the place about how much I love everything he does. This dude’s combination of amazing vocal sample choice, stupendous bass rhythms & epic progressions are not to be trifled with. And yes, I do mean epic. Listen to anything he’s done (especially the two tracks below) and you’ll see why his tunes need to be in the World of Warcraft Live-Action movie.

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j.viewz blows your mind. Veggie EDM!!

This hit too many of my filters to get away with not being posted. Especially when it involves making the “House” theme (or Teardrop by Massive Attack for those of us playing the home game) with a circuit completed by fruits & vegetables purchased at a grocery store. The most innovative & entertainingly wicked thing you’ll see all day.

50 Cent & Kendrick Lamar class up the joint.

50 Cent has been taking notes and classes it up in this new vid with Kendrick Lamar. Seems to be a good idea. I like the relaxed groove, the single shorty (as opposed to the harem) and the emphasis on exceptional quality/expensive items. The understated wealth idea can definitely help him re-define his image away from that guy who had this game made with his name: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/616-50-Cent-Blood-on-the-Sand

Lest we forget. However, great offering, smart featured artist, and I look forward to hearing his collab with Flux Pav & Childish Gambino.

The HipHop Consultant

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Mix of the Week: Mat Zo’s Essential Mix

If you haven’t heard of Mat Zo, I’m almost jealous of you. A producer that’s had some amazing trance tracks out over the last few years and a solid DJ in his own right, he was invited to put out an Essential Mix finally. What could have been a middle of the road, fun, dancey and upbeat 2 hours, turned into a soaring, inspiring and almost bewilderingly well executed mix. 70 tracks in 2 hours, narrated with quotes from Cosmos by Carl Sagan. Genre after genre of music pushed together with the touch of a master.

Again, this is one of those things I could yammer on about for a while, or, you could just go listen to it. So. Do that. Like. As quickly as you can. You’ll thank me. And Mat Zo. Mostly him, but a little for me too 😀

State of the Union Address ad uses Bass Music?!!?

Did I miss a meeting? 15 seconds in the graphics & enhanced presentations are mixed in with some dubby bass music. Obama’s administration is advertising the State of The Union address with dubstep.

I don’t even know how to feel about this. Will this further cement dubstep’s transition to commercialization? Is this the administration just trolling conservatives who like EDM? Who is responsible for this and why is it a FREE DOWNLOAD? If you’re reading this, leave a comment as to what your thoughts are. I’m stumped.